Isn't Optional

Isn't Optional

Isn't Optional

Keeping crypto true to its roots—Shutter empowers dApps, DAOs, and chains
with the highest standard of privacy and fairness.

The Future of Fair and Secure Blockchain Starts Here

Shutter makes fair and secure blockchain networks a reality by solving structural problems that others ignore. Powered by the Shutter Protocol and governed by the Shutter DAO.

Shielded Trading

Trade without worry. Shielded Trading sets the new standard for trading, virtually eliminating the threat of MEV attacks and strengthening censorship resistance with Shutter’s distributed encrypted mempool.

Launched on Gnosis Chain

Now shielding traders on Gnosis Chain
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Shielded Voting

Vote freely, without interference. Shielded Voting defends DAO governance by encrypting votes until the poll closes, preventing whale dominance and bandwagoning for fairer, independent decisions.
via   Snapshot

Shutter API

Shutter API make it effortless for all dApps to integrate the highest level of privacy and fairness.
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Gnosis ChainSnapshotAltlayerBlockfulBolt
Gnosis ChainSnapshotAltlayerBlockfulBoltBoltCalderaConduitDappnodeEspressoGateway.fmGelatoHoprNethermindOlasZeeve